Our mailing address is:
1000 Byrnwyck Rd, Brookhaven, Ga. 30319
General BCA Information for Realtors and Closing Attorneys
The Byrnwyck Community Association’s (BCA’s) fiscal year is March 1 through the end of February. When requested, BCA will provide realtors and closing attorneys with information relevant to a listing or closing.
Permanent membership for BCA is attached to the home, not the resident. Buyers purchasing a home in Byrnwyck from an existing BCA member automatically become BCA members with full membership privileges at closing. Any monies due on the member’s account will be collected during the closing process.
NOTE: There are a few non-member homes in Byrnwyck. Buyers purchasing a home in Byrnwyck from a non BCA member are not eligible to use the pool and tennis facilities nor the walking trails until the home owner has paid the BCA Initiation Fee plus the current year’s Annual Dues. The BCA Initiation Fee is a 1-time payment. The 1-time Initiation Fee is: $5,000.00 (as of 2020)
Information Provided to Realtors and Closing Attorneys
To Obtain Information
Please email the Byrnwyck Treasurer, byrntreasurer@gmail.com , and allow 48 hours for a response. In the subject line, write “Byrnwyck closing for [street address]”.