Byrnwyck Community Association (BCA) Pool Rules


1. LIFEGUARDS HAVE COMPLETE AUTHORITY OVER CONDUCT AND SAFETY IN AND AROUND THE POOLS. The rules and requests made by lifeguards must always be followed.

Lifeguards may enforce rules not listed as situations warrant. Failure to follow lifeguard instruction can result in a suspension and/or expulsion from the pool area facilities.

2. Emergency procedures must be observed (Severe weather, pool contamination, etc…). Swimmers must leave the pool and / or pool area immediately upon the signal or request of the Lifeguard /Pool Manager.

3. No one should engage the lifeguard on the stand in unnecessary conversation.

4. Lifeguards while on duty are not responsible for answering the phone. Please answer the phone if you are nearby.

5. No swimming unless lifeguard on duty.

6. No one is permitted on the lifeguard stand except the lifeguards.

7. Dangerous practices are prohibited. Running, dunking, pushing, unsafe swimming and “roughhousing” will not be allowed in the pool and/or around the pool facility.

8. All swimming is strictly at the swimmer’s own risk.

9. The use of inflatable toys, balls, water guns, etc… are at the discretion of the lifeguard and Pool Manager. NO throwing of tennis balls, frisbees or other objects in the pool area. The lifeguard or pool manager may remove pool toy objects at any time and / or request there use be suspended during busy times.

10. All swimmers who are not toilet-trained or who have known issues with incontinence must wear 3 layers: 1. A Disposable Swim Diaper; AND 2. A Plastic Swim Diaper with tight elastic at legs/waist; AND, 3. A Swimsuit.

11. Members will receive a warning for the first offense if someone in their family soils the pool and causes it to be closed. Second offenses will result in a fine and / or temporary pool suspension of the offender for a period of time to be determined by the Pool Manager / Byrnwyck Community Association (BCA) board.

12. The reasons for the penalties include: 1) Inconvenience to other members as the pool will be required to immediately close for official cleaning procedures; 2) Additional costs associated with treating / cleaning the pool; and, 3) Employees are still paid regardless of whether the pool is open or closed.

13. Only children 5 and under and their parents are recommended to be in the Baby Pool gated area. Children in the Baby Pool area must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult at all times.  Baby Pool is not intended for older children to play in during “adult swim”.

14. Children under 12 may not be at the pool without a parent or responsible adult. They must also be able to swim the length of the pool unassisted.

15. Any child who cannot swim the width of the pool may not enter the pool unless accompanied by an adult.

16. All members’ children must have an emergency contact on file at the pool. Any changes to the Byrnwyck Directory are the responsibility of the member.


18. No glass objects, chewing gum or tobacco products may be brought inside the fence area; e.g., drinking glasses, bottled drinks, cigarettes, etc… Inside the pool is a no smoking area.

19. No pets or animals of any kind are permitted within the pool fenced area.

20. Profane language, boisterous or other inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated.

21. Pool furniture is not allowed outside of the pool gated area.

22. Pool furniture should not be excessively moved for large parties. Please remember other members need to use tables and chairs. The long rectangular tables may be used for parties. Any furniture that is moved must be adjusted back to its original position.

23. Bikes, skateboards, scooters, etc… must be left outside the fence where they will not block the entrance to the pool or otherwise impede the natural flow of traffic.

24. The Byrnwyck Community Association (BCA) is not responsible for towel, clothing and other personal articles left at the pool. Those items will be put in a Lost and Found basket next to the sink in the covered area. If items are not claimed in a timely manner (minimum one week), they will be donated / discarded.

25. The storage and pump rooms are off limits to all but authorized personnel.

26. Supervision of play on the playground or tennis courts is NOT the lifeguard’s responsibility.  However, any inappropriate behavior or problems observed in these areas is the responsibility of a member to report to a BCA Board member.

27. Please report any pool area issues / problems immediately to the Lifeguard and / or Pool Manager.

28. Please clean up your personal area and have it looking as good or better upon leaving the pool. This includes such things as: disposing of all trash items, place tables back to original positions if moved, push in chairs, clean off table top, etc…. We do not employ a cleaning service so each member is responsible for proper clean up.


1. ADULT SWIM: At a quarter to the hour, a 15 minute “Adult Swim” will be called by the Lifeguard. At this time, all swimmers under 16 must exit the pool completely. This includes no children sitting in the pool steps area.

2. LAP SWIM: One lane, designated with a lane line marker, will be available at all times for anyone wishing to swim laps. If someone is attempting to swim laps, please be courteous and do not block the lane if a lap swimmer is present. This includes children on the pool steps.


1. When the diving board is in use, there shall be no diving from the sides of the pool in the diving area or swimming in the diving area.

2. Diving boards are for diving only, and divers must exit the water quickly at the nearest ladder.

3. Only one person on the diving board at a time.

4. Only one bounce off of the diving board.

5. Absolutely no horseplay in diving area.

6. No running off the diving board.

7. No diving until the diving area is clear.

8. No flotation devices in the diving area.


1. Proper use and clean up of the grill areas is the responsibility of the member using this facility.

2. Shut off the gas at the tank after use located under the grill.

3. Wash all grilling tools when finished. Soap and sponges are made available at the sink area.  Please put cleaned grilling tools back at grills.

4. Clean off granite counter top of any spills


1. We operate under an honor system for members using the pool. Only members in good standing are allowed to use the pool facility. Non members are not permitted at any time except as guests of an officially registered party.

2. If you are aware of any non-member(s) attending the pool / tennis facility (outside of an officially registered party), please report to the Pool Manager or BCA Board Member.

3. OUT OF TOWN houseguests of a member (those not residing in the greater Metro Atlanta area) will be permitted the free use of the pool facilities, but must be accompanied at all times with a member in good standing.

4. On a limited exception basis, a member family may bring a non-member person or family (a 1:1 family ratio per time) 3 times during the off peak season (July 15 through close) only. Any non member individual and / or family may be a guest of the pool facilities no more than 3 times per year.

5. Residents of Byrnwyck subdivision who are not members of the BCA may not be guests at the pool at any time.